Child Rights

Child rights programs

Several NGOs across Karnataka are working towards child care and child rights. There is a primary focus on the underprivileged children and how to uplift them through beneficiary programs. Volunteers in the program have started these programs to generate a community movement that will enable thousands of kids getting the benefit from such drives. Our projects involve empowering children and, eventually, the community as a whole.

Our NGO looks into the rights for

We strive to attack all these issues with the weapon of kindness and lending ear to all their traumas. We have made sure that we don’t segregate kids on the basis caste, religion or color but encourage love and acceptance

Our NGO looks into the rights for

What we have achieved

As an NGO for several years now, we have been able to push policies that are towards child rights
and child development program initiatives. In our capacity to generate and bring awareness of
situations that kids are vulnerable too, and how as a community, we can help alleviate their fears
and bring a smile on their faces.

We Work Towards

Most of the kids that we work with are facings hardships in the form of

What we have to deal with

We strive to attack all these issues with the weapon of kindness and lending ear to all their traumas.
We have made sure that we don’t segregate kids on the basis caste, religion or color but encourage
love and acceptance

What we Observed